Full time / Part time

Here at the village, we take pride in offering the best and most reliable nannies. We carefully vet our caregivers to ensure top-quality care, drawing from a diverse pool of individuals with various educational backgrounds and ethnicities.

In our village a full-time nanny provides comprehensive care for children in the family home, managing their daily needs and activities so parents can attend to work and other obligations. Full-time nannies typically work between 45-60 hours per week, aligning with the parents’ working hours.

As a part-time nanny also cares for children in the family home, usually working up to 30 hours a week. This schedule can be structured as three full 10-hour days or spread out across the week (Monday to Friday).

Specific responsibilities and duties of a nanny

  • School/ nursery runs
  • Assisting with homework
  • Managing children’s extracurricular activities
  • Preparation of meals
  • Managing household shopping
  • Washing/ironing children’s clothes
  • Manging social schedules
  • Keeping parents informed of developmental progress
  • Babysitting evenings (At parents/nanny’s discretion)
  • Managing children’s appointments
  • Travelling with family